Friday, September 30, 2011

Checking the Mail!

Luke has had a great few weeks!! We have seen fewer behavior issues, praise God!!! I had his conference at school this week, and he is doing a lot better there behavior wise also. His teacher is impressed with the amount of words he can identify by pointing to the correct word when given a choice of four words. Yeah Luke!!

Yesterday he was showing off at home. He walked (with me helping from behind, but doing very little) all the way to our mailbox and back inside. I am guessing it is at least 100 yards total. I am thinking if he does this every single day, he will get stronger and stronger, and hopefully able to do it with less and less assistance. So, here is how you avid Luke followers can help us out. I would love to fill that mailbox with letters, pictures, postcards, whatever for him when he walks out to check it, to keep him motivated. If you want to help out by mailing him something, send me an email to if you do not have our address, and I will get it for you. Thank you so much for helping support Luke on his journey!! We appreciate it more than you will every know.

1 comment:

NP said...

Luke's success brings tears to my eyes. What great ideas you have!!! All of you continue to be in my prayers.
Love & hugs,